pack your bags, let’s travel the world together

Hi, I’m Lindsay, a passionate traveler, conscious parent, and nature enthusiast, and I’m so excited to share our journey with you through this blog.
This is a space where I’ll explore the joys and challenges of traveling with my family, leaving behind social conventions in pursuit of a more connected, more authentic life, and bringing freedom closer for all beings on Earth. If you’re interested in family travel, alternative ways of educating your children, and an all-around unconventional, freedom-seeking lifestyle, you’re in the right place.
I’ll be sharing everything from tips on minimalist family packing to how we learn from the earth, as well as stories from our travels and personal writings.
My hope is that this blog will inspire families to think outside the box when it comes to travel, education, and connecting with the world around them.
I’d love to hear from you! Feel free to leave a comment or subscribe to my newsletter so you don’t miss out on any future posts. Thank you for exploring, creating, and learning with me!